Arcus Iris Rocked the Runway with HIBEBE for Toronto Fashion Week!!

3:20 AM

Tonight we were priviledged to collaborate with the new collection from HIBEBE, Wonderlust for Toronto Fashion Week 08... The lines vibed so fabulously! People went insane for the jewelry!! We're so glad to be bringing it to the runway. It was hectic backstage as we struggled to style over 80 outfits, including dresses, swimsuits, menswear, you name it... but any jewelry piece we threw on, no matter how loud, it all just vibed! Tonight, Arcus Iris showcased the classic collection, Vieux Bateau and threw in a taste of two new lines; Slice and Lux. Lux being comprised of huge, powerful, bi-terminated crystals hung low on silver and Slice: a collection of large, beautiful raw stones, thinly sliced, hung from wild, casted claws!

Check it out for yourself!

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